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The HOROSCOPE or the Birth Chart is the map of the position of the planets and the other heavenly bodies, in the heavens, at the time of the birth of the individual, male, female, animal, institutions etc at the place of such a birth. Any person thing or idea that is born in this universe, is born along with the qualities, good bad or indifferent, of the nature as it existed at that moment of time, for nothing can or does exist in ISOLATION in this world. Each or a planet is linked to every other atom or planet by known and unknown laws such as the law of Gravitation etc.

PALMISTRY reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. There are two divisions within this ancient science. CHIROMANCY deals with the lines on the palm and CHIROGNOMY deals with the shape of the hands and the colour shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb.

The Vaastu science is founded upon the laws of nature by VISWAKARMA. Vastu is the bridge between man and nature. Everything is made up of basic five elements - FIRE, WATER, EARTH, SPACE, and AIR. All These elements are only found on earth that is why it is the only planet that supports life and nature. Each of the basic elements we are getting a strange precious gift due to infinite powers of the universe. It is in a position to reduce the gravity of the problems faced by human beings as well as industries particularly those suffering from sickness through vibrations of Panchbhootas which has anchored their roots in the body of the human beings as well as the external and internal building configurations.

MUHURTAAS (Auspicious Date) :
A Muhurata is the most benefic time chosen to initiate an event so that, not only it is carried out without any hurdle, but it also provides best results. It is that period of time which helps in concentrating the energy of the planets and other astrological factors in an auspicious way so as to void the evil powers and make the result of the work performed most fruitful. If a work is started in a Shubh Muhurata, it adds the possibilities of success. Muhurata harmonizes forces with nature and improves chances of success.

It is often said that opposites attract, but does it hold any substance when those opposites are human beings. What happens next when there are tremors in the paradise? Life is not always a bed of roses! Astrological predictions are just not about future forecasts. Horoscopes also indicate nature, preferences, social communication skills and behaviour pattern of a person. In Indian society, marriages are expected to last forever. Horoscope Matchmaking of a prospective bride and groom is the only option to ensure their compatibility. Once they get married, their horoscopes also have a combined impact on their future and lifestyle for the rest of their lifetimes.

Yantras are Cosmic Energy Devices. There is help for you to be able to tune into the universal powers of transformation with specially designed engines of cosmic energy. These devices are practical and magical and provide the perfect environment for potential positive changes that you desire. Yantras are very complex engines of energy containing geometric figures, permutations of mystical archetypal designs and embedded with energetic signatures. When activated or energized, the pre-programmed Yantra becomes " alive " so that the intentions or purpose contained within the Yantra are manifested in the physical.

VARSHAPAL (Tajika) :
The Varshphal or the Annual Horoscopy as it may be called is one of the scores of techniques of Vedic Astrology employed to understand the occurrence of future events. The annual horoscopy differs from rest in the fact that that it picks up one particular year of a native's life and examine it in more minute details. Going in to more minutest details, each month of a particular year, and further, each day or half a day during a month, may be subjected to astrological scrutiny for the clearest view of the events, and their closest timing possible. Annual horoscopy is widely implemented in Career planning, travel planning, work planning and job planning and various other important aspects of life.

The ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah joins with the symbolism of the Tarot, providing a map of your consciousness. Use your 10-card Tree of Life Tarot reading to understand your personal nature on all levels - love, work, finances, and more. This reading reveals where you are now, and in which direction your life is growing.

Numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their influence on human life. Since there are no occult meanings to numbers and since numbers by themselves can have no significant influence on anyone's life, numerology is nothing but superstition masquerading as science or art.

Gemology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gems and Gemstones. It is considered a geosciences and a branch of mineralogy. Some jewelers are academically trained gemologists and are qualified to identify and evaluate gems.

Prasna Shastra is a branch of vedic astrology that deals exclusively with answering question. It is also known as Horary Vedic astrology

By combining sound, breath and rhythm generates to flow of energy through the mind-body circuit, adjusting the chemical composition of our internal states and regulating brain-hemisphere imbalances, contributing to a natural abatement of fear and despair - emotions that underlie both of these common afflictions. By balancing the nervous system, chanting regulates the chronic stress and tension that is the norm for many people in today's hyper-stimulated lifestyle. And by balancing the endocrine system, chanting normalizes hormone production, which balances our moods and overall sense of well-being.

Tantra shastra is a secret and most powerful science in the Indian occult tradition. It is a science which Indians have practised for centuries and still do. Tantra shastra as a whole is the system which deals with the techniques, mediums and applications concerning the individual power and knowledge which is said to be at the depth of human consciousness.

FENG SHUI (Wind Water) :
Feng shui represents a traditional worldview regarding the relationship between human being and nature. Feng shui, the art of space arrangement, has made a great impact on society. It reflects and shapes most of the traditional cultural values. Feng shui not only contains much mysterious knowledge, but also possesses many ideas that can be explained and studied by using the contemporary research methodology, including empirical and interpretive investigations.